Bishop John Carroll Cathedral School embodies the principles of faith, hope, community service and love. Our goal is to build and maintain a community that promotes the involvement of students and parents in the school.
Therefore, this year we will have a parent volunteer program where each family will be required to do some volunteer hours for the betterment of the BJCCS community.
All families will be required to serve 10 volunteer hours during the year. This program will run from June 1st to May 1st each year. You will receive reminders to complete your hours.
These volunteer hours you are completing will provide BJCCS with the help we need each year. Our whole school community will benefit from having active families. Please know you are a tremendous part of making BJCCS the great place that it is!
Some examples of volunteer opportunities would be, serving on the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), chairing an event, helping with the many holiday and teacher appreciation events, Grandparents Day activities and the Fat Tuesday Auction.
There are many more….
Thank you for your continuous support